PSA: Time is running out to donate to Republique’s kickstarter
New game from former Halo creative lead needs your help.
The feminist “Twilight” argument intellectualized
Scholars have been talking about this stuff for years
PSA makes the case against Palin
I had to make this a bulleted list because it is extremely long and probably will need to be updated almost hourly because right now, there is an army of progressive bloggers vetting her much more thoroughly than the McCain campaign ever did.
Continuing the debate
"The other side of the Twilight debate" resulted in over 1,500 comments, more than any other Blast Magazine story, ever.
So, author Kellen Rice continued the debate with another article. Here's a bit:I decid...
The other side of the Twilight debate
Kellen Rice, one of the Blast's writers and a regular contributor to Blast's PSA: Politics, Sports, Anything Blog recently picked up and read the entire Twilight series.
She did not like it. No, ma'am, not o...