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EDM is Sexist, but so is the Entire Nation

On November 19, Kat Bein posted a blog on The Village Voice discussing the sexism within the EDM (electronic dance music) community. Her article, EDM is Sexist: Why it Sucks to be a Woman who Raves, addresses...
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Commentary: Bin Laden — Action and reaction

Newton’s third law of motion tells us that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. For the sake of the safety of Americans here and abroad, I hope there’s an appeal process to that law. El...
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A slain cop’s daughter speaks

Editor's note: After several weeks of on-again, off-again debate, a controversial forum at the University of Massachusetts in Amherst was held in November focusing on sedition and a related trial in the 1980s. ...
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Countries place cap on global temperature rise at Copenhagen

The developed world went through its industrial revolution with little regard for the environment, as it was not seen as a factor in those days. Now, as countries like India and China revolutionize, developed countries like Canada are demanding that they take action first?
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Barack Obama: A visionary’s choice for Nobel Peace Prize

And then there's the victor, Barack Obama, a Harvard law school graduate, community organizer, civil rights lawyer, law professor, junior senator and president of the most "powerful" country in the world. A stunning resume, but where are the accomplishments? The peace work, the advocacy, the results?
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Decency and lies

Consider two scenes. The first occurs during the Army-McCarthy Hearings in 1954, when Joseph Welch, an attorney for the for the U.S. Army asks Senator Joseph McCarthy to provide evidence to the attorney gene...