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Parents reject China milk scandal settlement

The government recently offered some monetary compensation to parents whose children were sickened by the bad milk. In protest of governmental apathy and probably a little offended that the government thinks they can buy them off, they declined the compensation package.
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Top 10 movies of 2008

Much like senior editor Liz Rafferty said in her review of the top 10 music hits of 2008, it was hard to pick out a top 10 best movies of the year. Consider it a top 6, with those being the ones that were absolutely phenomenal and final four being decent runner ups. However, 2009 looks like it could be a much better year for movies after the remaining issues caused by the 2008 writer's strike have faded away. And for anyone who criticizes the fact that "The Dark Knight" is number four instead of number one, go see the top three movies and you will understand.
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Got Harvey Milk?

The openly gay Van Sant makes a movie about an openly gay politician. Is it a gay movie? Not explicitly. It's a movie about hope, and a movie about changing the world.