Disney buys Lucasfilm, plans to make Star Wars: Episode VII in 2015 Giancarlo Saldana October 30, 2012 May the force be with Disney.
Star Wars 1313 is a third-person bounty hunter action adventure game Giancarlo Saldana June 1, 2012 Two words: bounty hunters.
New Star Wars game to be unveiled next week at E3 Giancarlo Saldana May 25, 2012 Film, game, or both?
Is Guybrush dead? Final Monkey Island chapter due out Dec. 8 Eddie Makuch November 18, 2009 The journey's end looms directly on the horizon. Details inside.
LucasArts unleashes “Lucidity” on Steam, XBLA Eddie Makuch October 7, 2009 A new and unique 2D puzzle platformer released today
Zombies Ate My Neighbor coming to Virtual Console?! David Smail September 24, 2009 Are you ready to save your unprepared neighbors from Zombies?
Telltale Games developing Monkey Island episodic title Eddie Makuch June 2, 2009 Monkey Island set to receive episode based game via Telltale games. First images inside.
LucasArts announces Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron Eddie Makuch May 26, 2009 A portable installment in the epic franchise drops next fall. We've got the first info on the ambitious title.
The Old Republic’s “Hutta” developer diary. Eddie Makuch March 6, 2009 Curious about the swampy wasteland planet of Hutta. BioWare developer speaks out.
Threat of Peace web comic debuts today Eddie Makuch February 27, 2009 BioWare releases first web comic detailing the Old Republic universe today. Details inside.
New images of the Old Republic Ben Lindbergh January 23, 2009 The release date is still far, far away, but these are the screenshots you're looking for.