Kung Fu Superstar hopes to make you an action movie star Giancarlo Saldana May 23, 2012 Will you be the next Jackie Chan?
Fable III review Joe Sinicki October 30, 2010 The third trip to Albion is a mixed, but mostly fun experience.
Fable III Boxart Indicates PC Version Eddie Makuch May 14, 2010 Still months away, the game got its box art today, surprise included.
Lionhead Studios Website Redesigned Eddie Makuch May 11, 2010 Learn up on Fable 3 news at the newly redesigned site.
Sir Ben Kingsley Lending Voice To Fable III Eddie Makuch May 6, 2010 The famous actor, lending his voice box to Lionhead's RPG.
Fable III To Release Episodically Eddie Makuch March 23, 2010 Main episodes on the house, additional ones to come later.
Molyneux On Motion Control Era: “It’s Kind Of Like An Arms Race” Eddie Makuch March 13, 2010 The Fable series designer, not too thrilled with Sony's motion controller.
GDC 2010: Rub Gold All Over Your Hot Naked Body In Fable III Eddie Makuch March 12, 2010 Your own personal space in the upcoming RPG to do....whatever you'd like in.
Fable III Developer Diary – Introducing Dynamic Weapons and Extreme Morph – Eddie Makuch February 12, 2010 You will not want to miss this one. Lionhead gushes on third installment.
First Fable III Screens Emerge Eddie Makuch February 12, 2010 A teasing look into the world of Albion in the third game.
Fable III: The Albion Desktop Painting Eddie Makuch January 11, 2010 The gorgeous fields and mountains of Albion, now your desktop wallpaper.
Fable III To Be Officially Shown In February Eddie Makuch January 11, 2010 You've read about it, but get ready to see it in action.
This dude likes Lionhead a lot Eddie Makuch November 18, 2009 This man inked himself in the name of gaming.
Fable III “Bowerstone” concept art Eddie Makuch November 4, 2009 Dear Fable fans, Lionhead ramps up the hype machine with this art.
Project Natal might be used in Fable III Eddie Makuch October 5, 2009 Microsoft's motion-sensing technology in next year's game?
First “Fable II Episode” now available on Xbox Live for free. Eddie Makuch September 29, 2009 Enjoy the RPG in small segments beginning today.
Fable II Game of the Year edition revealed Eddie Makuch August 28, 2009 If you haven't ventured to Albion in Lionhead's latest, you'll want to read on.
Fable III is official, due out in 2010 with new approach. Eddie Makuch August 20, 2009 Peter Molyneux and Lionhead are at it again, debut trailer, and reasons why we're excited inside.