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Taylor Lautner opens up to Teen Vogue

You can take two things away from Taylor Lautner's cover story on Teen Vogue: His karate instructor was a blue Power Ranger, and there is no love triangle among him, Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. "It...
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Three new New Moon stills

There are still six long months until "New Moon" hits theaters, but with a big weekend for the film at the MTV Movie Awards and only two months until the undoubted "New Moon" panel at San Diego Comic-Con, Summi...
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Adventureland: Moments of summer

My favorite summer was three years ago; I remember every day of it, in sounds, and smells and orange-tinted light. "Adventureland" may not have much of a plot, but it perfectly captures the essence of that one great summer: a lazy, sensory stop-gap to the next big adventure in your life.
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A Twilight review from an anti-Twilighter

About three things I am absolutely positive: first, I just saw Twilight. Second, there is a part of me - and I don't know how minuscule that part might be - that thinks it was almost okay. Third, it was unconditionally and irrevocably hilarious.