Gaby Dunn (Photo credit/CJ Johnson)

The state of play for lady journos

In the midst of helping my mother move out of my childhood home, I came across a book in my old closet. It is a book about female journalists, given to me by a journalist who visited my high school for a career...

The Fifth Estate review

It's a common maxim that history is written by the winners. But what about the history when there are no clear winners? When something momentous happens- and then nothing really changes at all? And what if we a...
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What will 2010 bring for Blast?

At the stroke of midnight on January 1, 2007, launched. A new, scrappy little online magazine with two goals: To be an independent voice and to combine the monthly quality of a long-form magaz...
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Local news stations cutting investigative journalism

Local stations should above all else, focus only on local news, news that affects their township. And while many do, investigative reporters that uncover local scandals and even triumphs should remain a part of the team because they are crucial to the survival of real journalism and to citizens understanding what’s going on in their surroundings.
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The future of journalism

If newspapers die, which is still a big IF for me, ad revenue and all the money they get from being online won’t keep them afloat. It won’t pay for investigative journalism, it won’t pay for local reports and it won’t pay for hard-hitting interviews with big name screw-ups.
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Edward R. Murrow at 100

American history has its heroes. Washington. Lincoln. King. Murrow. If you don't understand how important journalism is in a society, you need only read a biography of Edward R. Murrow and see what he did during World War II and then during the American anti-communism years. Murrow was born 100 years ago Friday.
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Josh Wolf: Free.

Big news for journalists, both citizens and staffers: On April 3, just two days after a Blast Magazine article profiling his incarceration and amongst growing pressure from all around, San Francisco-based journ...