Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Movie Review Randy Steinberg January 3, 2016 The most anticipated film of 2015 is a let down
Star Wars: The Force Awakens – Trailer Review Randy Steinberg October 21, 2015 The movie trailer of the century to the movie of the century...
Report: Harrison Ford to return as Han Solo in Episode VII Joe Sinicki February 15, 2013 Han shoots first, again.
Star Trek: Reboot is success for next generation Zac Turgeon May 7, 2009 Star Trek is a franchise many wrote off as dead years ago. The recent TV series have been lackluster and the movies even worse. But I am still a fan of the original series, "The Next Generation," and about half...
VIDEO: Jasika, Kirk and Lance talk “Fringe” Terri Schwartz February 10, 2009 The second video of our "Fringe" interviews.
VIDEO: Joshua Jackson talks “Fringe” Terri Schwartz February 10, 2009 You know you'd rather watch him speak instead of listen to us try to explain it.