Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: The best Potter yet Terri Schwartz July 15, 2009 David Yates has redeemed himself for everything he screwed up in "Order of the Phoenix."
New Harry Potter title drops June 30, before movie Eddie Makuch May 14, 2009 Can't wait for the delayed film? Maybe the Half Blood video game will hold you over.
Advice for a Twilight virgin? Sachin Seth November 12, 2008 I've finally decided to sit down and read Twilight starting this weekend. I like vampires so it wasn't too tough of a decision. However I was told not to expect anything like Dracula.
Twilight movie will be released in Harry Potter time slot Terri Schwartz August 16, 2008 "Twilight" will fill the November 21 vacancy recently left by the nine-month delay of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince."