Funnyman Chris Edgerly
A chance meeting in Vegas means you now get to know this talented actor
Inspired but not inspirational: Godfather II game
You broke my heart. Now Al Neri is going to kill you on a rowboat.
Don Control adds to Godfather 2 multiplayer
You must think like a mobster to control the city, do you have what it takes? Details inside.
Godfather 2 Blackhand Brutality trailer released
This game does look good, we have to admit. Sure it's another "free world, lots of violence" spetacle, but c'mon, it's Godfather 2!
The game is due out in February.
After being promoted by Michael Cor...
Leipzig 2008: Need for Speed Undercover details
It looks like everyone was saving the E3 news for Leipzig this year.
Electronic Arts and tis Black Box studio released some new details on Need for Speed: Undercover, which comes out November 18 in the U.S. ...
Godfather II game details announced
Electronic Arts and Paramount Digital Entertainment announced Friday that a sequel to the hit movie video game adaptation "The Godfather" will be released, extending the original storyline of the game and build...