Two of today’s biggest social, moral and political issues -- global warming and hunger – could be partially reversed because of innovations by Amazon tribes thousands of years ago.
The developed world went through its industrial revolution with little regard for the environment, as it was not seen as a factor in those days. Now, as countries like India and China revolutionize, developed countries like Canada are demanding that they take action first?
So here's the general opinion. Once the human race (that is you and I) stops polluting the earth and saves energy, the effects of global warming will stop and slowly begin to reverse, hopefully so soon that close, future generations will have the right (since it is a right not a privilege to enjoy the world) to bask in the glory of all earth has to offer, in normal climate and normal circumstances.
Countless teenagers all over the globe do their part to aid Earth’s ailing environment. They take shorter showers, walk instead of drive and sometimes even sit in total darkness for a full hour. But what compels them to do such things?
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has issued a challenge to businesses: reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 10 percent over the next three years.‚ And a prominent group of Massachusetts businesses said...
Nowadays everything is eco-something. There are hybrid cars, organic veggies, solar powered homes and many more to list. However, as consumers it is hard to get involved in a complete lifestyle of eco-friendly-...