“The Bridge” – Pilot series premiere review Christopher Peck July 11, 2013 FX's The Bridge, starring Diane Kruger and Demián Behcir, begins with a body found on the U.S-Mexico border.
“Louie” – New Year’s Eve season finale review Christopher Peck September 28, 2012 Louie finishes his third season with a touching finale about searching for happiness in a lonely world.
“Louie” – Late Show (Part 3) episode review Christopher Peck September 21, 2012 The conclusion of the Late Show trilogy features betrayal and victory still for our reluctant hero.
“Louie” – Late Show (Part 2) episode review Christopher Peck September 14, 2012 Louie starts his training to becoming a late night host Rocky-style, while dealing with his own doubts.
“Louie” – Daddy’s Girlfriend (Part 2) episode review Christopher Peck July 27, 2012 In the second of a two-parter, Louie goes on an unforgettable date with the exhilarating—if not unstable—girl from the bookstore.
“Louie” – Telling Jokes/Set Up episode review Christopher Peck July 6, 2012 Louie's daughter tells a genius joke, and Melissa Leo guest stars as a frisky blind date