Medal of Honor – Warfighter review: The war on originality Joe Sinicki October 26, 2012 By the numbers, predictable and disappointing.
Battlfield 3 banned in Iran Joe Sinicki November 29, 2011 Group claims game will make EA's shooter paints country in negative light.
Battlefield 3 sells 5 million copies in first week Joe Sinicki November 1, 2011 Can the numbers keep up against formidable competition?
Battlefield 3’s open beta starts next week Joe Sinicki September 20, 2011 Special access kicks off two days earlier.
Modern Warfare 3 developer: “We don’t care about sales numbers or competition” Joe Sinicki September 20, 2011 Infinity Ward takes the high road.
Hands-on: Battlefield: 1943 Marc Normandin February 10, 2009 This mini-sequel is looking good already. Check inside for impressions and screens from NY Comic Con.