This Saturday night, just after midnight, Facebook is unleashing its new usernames, which will put your real name in the URL of your Facebook profile, putting you one step closer to solidifying your online iden...
I thought it was bad when my mom joined Facebook.‚ It was my fault.‚ I did that thing where you add pictures then invite friends via email to view your photos.‚ I thought she would be able to see my photos w...
You get 10 points without any bonuses for placing the word L-A-W-S-U-I-T on either a Scrabble or a Scrabulous board, but Hasbro doesn't want the latter to keep its place in the lexicon of American pop culture. [...]
After a series of late starts, Microsoft's recent riposte may be the savviest it's made in ages. Digging deep after losing out to Google for exclusive advertising rights on the Internet's number one social netw...