Fable III review Joe Sinicki October 30, 2010 The third trip to Albion is a mixed, but mostly fun experience.
Fable III Confirmed For PC, Limited Edition Detailed Eddie Makuch May 21, 2010 Lionhead today gushed some juicy bits surrounding the world of Fable III.
Sir Ben Kingsley Lending Voice To Fable III Eddie Makuch May 6, 2010 The famous actor, lending his voice box to Lionhead's RPG.
Fable III To Release Episodically Eddie Makuch March 23, 2010 Main episodes on the house, additional ones to come later.
Fable III Has No Combat In First 30 Minutes [update] Eddie Makuch March 19, 2010 But you, lovely RPG fan, can change that. Act quickly.
GDC 2010: John Cleese To Lend Voice To Fable III Eddie Makuch March 11, 2010 The Monty Python legend, voicing "the butler" in the upcoming game.
Fable III “Dragging” Screenshot Eddie Makuch February 24, 2010 Lionhead continues to tease its next project.
What Fable III Merchandise Do You Want? Eddie Makuch February 24, 2010 Lionhead recently launched a survey asking the question.
Fable III Won’t Have Experience Points Eddie Makuch February 12, 2010 But it's still an RPG? Peter Molyneux interview inside.
Fable III Developer Diary – Introducing Dynamic Weapons and Extreme Morph – Eddie Makuch February 12, 2010 You will not want to miss this one. Lionhead gushes on third installment.
First Fable III Screens Emerge Eddie Makuch February 12, 2010 A teasing look into the world of Albion in the third game.
This Week’s Fable III News Will Make You “Super Pissed Off” Eddie Makuch February 8, 2010 News surrounding the third Fabe installment coming this week. What'll it be?
Fable III: The Albion Desktop Painting Eddie Makuch January 11, 2010 The gorgeous fields and mountains of Albion, now your desktop wallpaper.
Fable III To Be Officially Shown In February Eddie Makuch January 11, 2010 You've read about it, but get ready to see it in action.
CES ’10: Fable III coming Holiday 2010 Eddie Makuch January 8, 2010 The third Fable installment, under your tree next year.
Fable III “Bowerstone” concept art Eddie Makuch November 4, 2009 Dear Fable fans, Lionhead ramps up the hype machine with this art.
Project Natal might be used in Fable III Eddie Makuch October 5, 2009 Microsoft's motion-sensing technology in next year's game?
Fable III announced at Gamescom, debut trailer shown Marc Normandin August 19, 2009 The trailer may be short, but it beats having no trailer, doesn't it?