Is Nintendo planning to rename the Wii U? Joe Sinicki January 26, 2012 Nintendo learns from troubled 3DS launch.
Watch Metro: Last Light’s E3 demo Joe Sinicki July 14, 2011 One of our most anticipated games from this year's E3
Shigeru Miyamoto talks Wii U Joe Sinicki June 18, 2011 Nintendo's legendary creator talks the new console.
Modern Warfare 3 All Access: Bigger, Badder, more emotional Joe Sinicki June 13, 2011 Blast goes in depth with the world's most anticipated game
Nintendo Wii U: Hands on impressions at E3 Joe Sinicki June 12, 2011 We try out Nintendo's newest hardware.
This is Killer Freaks from Outer-space, Ubisoft’s first big Wii U shooter Joe Sinicki June 9, 2011 Best title from E3?
Nyko announces Zoom accessory for Kinect John M. Guilfoil June 8, 2011 Dorms and small apartments rejoice
Local companies mix outlooks at E3 John M. Guilfoil June 8, 2011 Harmonix tries to hold on as Turbine stays strong with its core
Hands on with Madden NFL 12: bigger, deeper, smarter Joe Sinicki June 8, 2011 New Madden aims to change the way you play one of gaming's biggest franchises.
Wii U third-party games weren’t actually running on new console Joe Sinicki June 7, 2011 Xbox 360, PS3 footage used
Everything you need to know about Wii U Joe Sinicki June 7, 2011 New console blurs the lines between games, tablet and portable.
Check out the brand new Uncharted 3 E3 trailer here Joe Sinicki June 7, 2011 Easily one of this year's most gorgeous games.
NGP is officially Vita, will launch this Holiday Joe Sinicki June 7, 2011 3G and WiFi versions announced