Dirt 3 review Jason D'Aprile July 5, 2011 One of the finest and most entertaining racing games of the year
New FPS From “BLACK” Developer Confirmed Eddie Makuch February 16, 2010 An entirely new game in the works from Criterion.
PAX 2009: Galactic “Jumpgate Evolution” screens Eddie Makuch September 4, 2009 The space-oriented MMO continues to dazzle. Images inside.
FUEL is world’s largest video game Eddie Makuch May 22, 2009 The open world racing game takes the word huge to a whole new level
Hands-Off: Overlord II Impressions Marc Normandin February 11, 2009 Marc couldn't get his hands on this one, but it didn't stop him from checking it out.
Rise of the Argonauts review Joe Sinicki January 17, 2009 An enjoyable action/RPG hybrid, or a tedious button masher that fails to add to the genre?
Codemasters releasing three new Overlord titles John M. Guilfoil August 16, 2008 Codemasters is marking the return of the Overlord franchise with three new titles in 2009, hitting the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC with one, Wii with the second, and DS with the third. "As a million-plus ...