TV Ratings Wednesday: “American Idol” dominates in return, ABC comedies hold up Jason Woods January 20, 2011 "Off the Map" dead on arrival, "Chase" sure to be cancelled
NBC Cancels Undercovers, The Event next? Jason Woods November 4, 2010 Renewed for a full season, then cancelled after continued stinkage
TV Ratings Monday: The Event and Hawaii drop, Lie to Me in danger? Jason Woods October 27, 2010 How far will they drop?
TV Ratings Monday: The Event and Chase done, Lie to Me in danger Jason Woods October 12, 2010 House, Dancing with the Stars win night
Monday TV Ratings: The Event continues crashing, ABC wins Jason Woods October 5, 2010 NBC's ratings woes continue, Lie to Me debuts poor
TV Ratings: The Event falls, few watch Lone Star, Two and Half Men on top Jason Woods September 28, 2010 NBC's attempt to recreate "Lost" isn't succeeding