New Gears of War to debut at E3 Joe Sinicki May 31, 2012 People Can Fly likely involved with development.
Bulletstorm started as a third person shooter Joe Sinicki January 8, 2011 That's not like Gears of War at all.
Watch Cliff Bleszinski suck his thumb, make grandpa proud Joe Sinicki January 7, 2011 Oh, Bulletstorm...
New Bulletstorm movie brings the colorful language, story development Joe Sinicki December 18, 2010 Crew outlines game's story and characters
Bulletstorm Interview, Gameplay Trailer Eddie Makuch May 13, 2010 Epic Games returns to the PS3 with this high-octane shooter.
GameInformer May Cover Revealed – Bulletstorm Unveiled Eddie Makuch April 10, 2010 The May issue and a new game revealed.