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Here’s to driving (blog)

It's putting the key in the ignition after the day hasn't gone as planned. It's the urge that overcomes you to go somewhere other than where you are. It's those cool Sunday afternoons that beg you to open the w...
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Who is the Diva of Driving?

From an early age, the love for all things powered by horsepower pumped through my veins. I was the baby in stroller at the drags, the toddler at the car shows and the young girl with pigtails on a Saturday ni...
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Name your own price for gas

Summertime is fast approaching (forty days away actually -- not that we're counting or anything) which, between the kids being out of school and those oh-so-exciting family road trips to visit the world's large...
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Cars of the future

Check these out, five of the coolest concept cars of 2008 and 2009.‚  From a post-nuclear three-wheeled pod to a web-surfing globe, you won't find anything cooler on the road. The Porsche Panamera is one of ...