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Biden’s intro video

In an email to supprters, Senator Joe Biden introduced himself and his plans as the Democratic vice presidential candidate. [...]
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Obama texts it

Well, he finally did it. "Barack has chosen Senator Joe Biden to be our VP nominee. Watch the first Obama-Biden rally live at 3pm ET on Spread the word!" the text came at 3:26 a.m. EDT. [...]
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Obama chooses Biden as VP

Barack Obama has confirmed, on his official website and through text message, that he has chosen Delaware Senator Joe Biden as his running mate for the 2008 presidential election.
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Obama has one more fight to win

Editor's note: BLAST officially endorsed Senator Barack Obama Jan. 10 as the Democratic candidate for president. It was a tale of three speeches. On the night when the Democrats finally had their nominee, th...
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McCain on “The Daily Show” Wednesday

Indecision 2008 Continues as Senator John McCain -- the certain Republican presidential nominee -- faces John Stewart on "The Daily Show" Wednesday at 11 p.m. This is McCain's 13th time on the comedy news pr...
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Could Hillary drop out?

WASHINGTON -- In what could become one of the most spectacular front-runner failures in presidential politics, rivaling that of Howard Dean in 2004 and Edward Muskie 1972, Hillary Clinton is now rumored to be c...
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Blast on Huckabee on Leno

In a controversial move, former Arkansas Governor and current Republican presidential contender Mike Huckabee left the campaign trail the night before the Iowa caucuses to appear as Jay Leno's guest on The Tonight Show for its return to live broadcast Wednesday. [...]