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Roxio BackOnTrack 3

With it's great features, functionality, ease of use, $49.99 price tag and it's great user interface, Roxio BackOnTrack is a must have for any PC user.
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Shinywhitebox's iShowU screen recording software really packs a lot of power for a low price. I just recently upgraded to a Macintosh computer, and have been looking for a great screen-recording program that ca...
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Retro: Command Antivirus

This review originally appeared on and in 1998. It was rock-solid software that still exists today. By John Guilfoil Command Software pretty much created a winner wit...
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4D Web 2.0 pack 11

4D released a revision, which offers users a new set of Internet tools while providing user-friendliness and better functionally. Essentially 4D's Web 2.0 Pack v11 is an online Internet application, which al...
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deskUNPDF Professional

When it comes to converting PDFs to word documents for editing, your software choice options are very limited. Docudesk, a company, which specializes in PDF software solutions, announced it's deskUNPDF Professi...
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Retro: PC Desk

This review originally appeared on and in 1998. It was good DOS software that seems to have slipped through the cracks of time. We can't find a download link for it anymore...
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Palo Alto’s Marketing Plan Pro

I was really impressed with Palo Alto Software's Marketing Plan Pro. There's a ton of people trying to be entrepreneurial and being their own bosses, and they (we) can't always hire PR people and a team of mar...
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Sony Sound Forge

Sound Forge is Sony's professional digital audio production suite. Long considered one of the frontrunners in its class, SF has garnered much attention and has won the hearts of many with a well-polished user interface and lots of attention to detail.
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Roxio Popcorn 3

Roxio Popcorn is an all-in-one multimedia ripping tool. Of course, they don't like to use the word ripping -- Roxio prefer's "popping." Hence the name. But Popcorn is a versatile conversion tool that work...
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Parallels 3.0

Parallels allows Intel-processor Macs to emulate an x86 system. This allows them to run all versions of Windows and even Linux. Pre-Windows 2000 support is questionable in Parallels. Windows 98 and below wil...