Website profiles

A look at certain websites.

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Facebook introduces URL usernames

This Saturday night, just after midnight, Facebook is unleashing its new usernames, which will put your real name in the URL of your Facebook profile, putting you one step closer to solidifying your online iden...
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Give us data porn, and lots of it

When you're looking for a single fact or answer to something, a straight up Google search is probably your best approach. But what if you're more interested in, say, a set of facts? Well you have two recently l...
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Online archives that work

Archives provide endless amounts of information about virtually any topic, but who wants to sit in a stuffy library or even worse,‚  library basement, looking through record after record to find what you're loo...
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Computer-free online dating

In this day and age finding love has become a more-than complicated issue for some. Long work hours, an overall sense of independence amongst young people and a 24-hour technological world, are some of the cau...