ZeniMax aquires Doom creator id Software
You've got Fallout in my DOOM; oh wait, now they're one.
Novelist brought in for Doom 4
Gamespot and ZDNet have a story that novelist Graham Joyce has been hired to write the back story for Doom 4.
More than 15 years ago, gamers met the space marine, and except for occasional scrolling message ...
The original Wolf3D FAQ
Sure we haven't updated our Doom page in a while. So here's a whopper, Adam Williamson's original and complete Wolf3D/SoD FAQ
E3 2008: id Software partnering with EA
LOS ANGELES -- In a landmark team-up, Electronic Arts will welcome the creator of the first person shooter, id Software, as its newest partner.
"It really is a good match for an indie studio like id, because...
Download Doomsday and the addons
Doomsday and projects like jDoom have kept the game going well into the 21st century, with support for high resolution graphics and textures, OpenGL, new character models, particle effects, high-quality audio a...
Wad Tools 2.0
Maybe one of the most useful Doom-related software utilities ever made, and one of the most relevant today, Wad Tools 2.0 is a command line tool that lets you literally browse through a WAD file like Doom2.wad,...
Download Doom1.wad
Very simple. Very basic. Download the Shareware Doom1.wad free from Blast Magazine....
Doom Metrics
This document tells level editors and creators about the limits and size specifications of Doom
Doom Metrics
Scott Ampoker ([email protected])
Creation of a successful Doom level requires tha...
The Doom Pistol FAQ version 1.1
The best part of the "Unofficial Doom Pistol FAQ" is that it lists the number of shots it takes to kill all Doom enemies using just the trusty pistol. [...]
PWAD: DOOMED to Run Amok v1.0
Doom levels usually come with a specific template of information telling you about the level, its compatibility and build issues and what to expect.
Doomed to Run Amok was one of the coolest levels included ...
The Ultimate Doom readme
Here is the original readme.txt file for The Ultimate Doom for all of you researchers out there.
Download Doom 95
From id: "Doom 95 continues the hyperviolent exploits that propelled the original Doom to infamy. Face the onslaught of demons and specters that populate this terror-filled underworld. Slip a few shells into yo...