Relic and SEGA are teaming up once again to revitalize the “Dawn of War” franchise.

“Dawn of War III” looks to bridge the gap between “Dawn of War I” and “II” by bringing the tactical combat of the latter version and mixing it with the epic battles of the former. However, “DoW III” will be the biggest game yet in the franchise, with three playable races in the Space Marines, Orks and Eldar. Each race has their own unique units and playing style, complete with the return of base building mechanics seen in “Dawn of War I.”

Hero units return and can be leveled up after each mission, giving the light RPG progression popularized by “Warcraft 3.” Armies will also be aided by the Super Units, possibly the largest single units ever seen in a Relic strategy game. These towering behemoths can change the course of battle and rain chaos from above.

Warhammer 40,000 fans are going to have plenty to play this year as The Creative Assembly is giving the Total War treatment to the cult tabletop game with “Total War: Warhammer” later this month.

Considering the respected pedigree of Relic’s strategy games, there is little doubt that “Dawn of War III” will be one of the most anticipated strategy games of this year.

About The Author

Ivan Favelevic is Blast Magazine's Associate Gaming Editor. He knows he would be a nobody in Westeros and is ok with that. Follow him on Twitter @FlyingBags to hear random thoughts on games plus some soccer and basketball rants.

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