Space Jesus is exactly who you would expect him to be. I had the chance to get an hour with music producer Jasha Tull, a.k.a. Space Jesus. His usual routine includes creating psychedelic bass music, touring around festivals, sacrificing himself for humanity’s sins, and other space-related activities. While taking to Space Jesus, I was reminded of “The Big Lebowski” – the long hair, the laid back style – yet rather than a dedication to bowling, this man is dedicated to producing future tunes.


Blast: Why “Space Jesus”? What inspired you to invent the concept of Space Jesus, grow your hair out, and produce psychedelic bass music?

Space Jesus: I walked into a bar one night and some dude saw my long hair and was like, you look like Jesus from space.

Blast: At what point did you decide to drop whatever you were doing and commit to producing music?

SJ: Probably three or for years ago. I went to college for a bit but that didn’t work out, then I got a job in construction. I make music full time now.

Blast: I really like the track HMU Can you describe the process of creating the song?

SJ: I found this old song from my dad and sampled it. I had trouble at first coming up with the part after the breakdown, but I threw in some live drums.

Blast: What kind of vibe do you generally go for in your live shows?

SJ: A fun one.

Blast: Are there any artists that you would really like to collaborate with?

SJ: Yeah there are a ton – Bassnectar, Excision. Dillon Francis is pretty great.

Blast: You recently worked with #$ on their debut album – How has this experience affected you as a producer?

SJ: I’ve been hanging out with GDP for awhile, and I’ve always been into hip-hop beats and instrumentals.

Blast: How do you create and process your sounds? Which DAW do you prefer? Do you have specific plugins or synths that you like to use?

SJ: I use Ableton. The sound in HMU is mostly massive, I think I used some sylenth in there. I try to make a lot of my sounds from scratch so my sounds are original.

Blast: How do you master your tracks? I know a lot of producers prefer to master on their own these days, but some still hand off their music to the engineers before it gets released.

SJ: I have this engineer I’ve been working with for awhile now and he’s great.

At the end of the interview, Space Jesus offered advice for aspiring producers: “Just get your music out there”.

I think this guy has everything down. The look, the attitude, the music. I can see him blowing up in the next year or so, so stay tuned for more from SPACE JESUS.

Check him out on soundcloud.




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