lametric engLondon—Smart Atoms has officially introduced the LaMetric smart ticker to Kickstarter today and is ready to transform the world of technology.

This smart clock actually tracks and displays key metrics in real time so you have access to everything you need without opening multiple apps.

You can completely customize this hackable smart display to read the items from your calendar, tell you the temperature, or countdown to a big event in your life. When you have LaMetric, you do not have to use multiple apps or news sites to access the information that you need for your day.

You can integrate LaMetric with home and business platforms like IFTTT or automation systems like SmartThings™ so you can glance at your ticker and see if your pet has left your property or if someone is trying to get into your home.

LaMatric makes your smart phone a convenient control system for your entire life. You can even use LaMetric to set up time intervals for your workouts.

The smart tickers will be available in several pledge levels so you can choose between plug-in and battery-operated units. You can buy the plug-in at Super01 Early Bird Level for $89, at Early Bird Level for $119, and the Kickstarter Edition Level for $129. It will cost $119 for the Lithium-Ion rechargeable battery-operated version, $139 for the Early Bird, and $149 for the Kickstarter Edition. Purchase a Life and Business Set Super Early Bird for $199, the Early Bird for $249, and the Kickstarter Edition for $269.

The campaign will run on Kickstarter until August 1, which means you should act fast to get the best deal.

About The Author

Beth DeMilt is a News Editor for the Blast Network

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