The PlayStation 4 is on shelves now and Sony’s new hardware is geared up to provide a nice new console for anyone whether they want to play video games or just have an all in one entertainment system. Here are some of the features and hardware that accompany the new console.

What’s new on the PlayStation 4?

The smaller PlayStation 4 console with new DualShock controller and camera

The smaller PlayStation 4 console with new DualShock controller and camera

  • The PS4 is currently set at $399 placing it in between the forthcoming Xbox One, $499, and the year old Wii U, $299.
  • The actual PlayStation 4 itself consists of a slender, parallelogram shaped box created to leave a small footprint wherever it is placed. The box measures about one foot square and two inches high and a bracket can place it upright on its side further minimizing the space needed to store it. The DuelShock 4 controller attaches to the console through a micro-USB, similarly to the DuelShock 3 did with the PS3. The console has two USB inputs in the front and in the back are the inputs for the AC cable, an ethernet cable, an HDMI, an optical audio output, as well as a connection for the optional PlayStation Camera.
  • The controller is the new DuelShock 4 controller which is similar to the PS3’s but with additional features including a clickable touchpad and a share button. The touchpad is surrounded by a highlight bar and the function of both vary from game to game.  Also provided is a monaural earbud which can plug into the controller to allow for online chat. Standard (3.55mm) earbuds or headsets can also used.
  • The PlayStation 4’s is built around computer and graphics processing custom built by Advanced Micro Devises Inc. and is said to have 10 times the processing power of the PS3 indication resolution up to 1080p and up to 60 frames per second video playback. While this translates to more detail in the game environments, more detail characters, realistic lighting and effects, and large multiplayer matches, it also renders the new system unable to play games from the PlayStation 3.
  • Other features aim to tie the PS4 to other user devises. Remote Play allows users to connect games on the PS4 to their PS Vita over Wi-Fi network using the PS4 Link 2 application. Link 2 can also be used to connect to other smart devices and use them as second screens for supported games. Furthermore, the PS4 aims to enhance social gaming interaction by allowing players to broadcast their games in realtime to viewers or fans around the world. These live broadcast can be viewed via Sony’s own Live PlayStation application or from a PC through Twitch, Ustream and browsers installed on mobile devises.

About The Author

Zachary Honey is a Blast staff writer and editor of App Blaster. Check out his website and don't forget to follow and send your love/hate on Twitter.

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