Every kid growing up in the 90s knew how to “stop, drop, and roll” and “just say no”, but how exactly did these life-saving catchphrases become so ingrained in an entire generation of children? It definitely wasn’t through responsible parenting, that’s for sure! Well aware that they were unable to properly raise their own children, many of our country’s emotionally absent parents demanded that the government step in to raise the youth of the nation, thus creating the modern Public Service Announcement. Today, we take a look at the products of this charmingly misguided movement. This episode features:
- An intoxicating round of “Select Difficulty”.
- Hilariously uncomfortable life lessons brought to you by 90s Ad Council.
- A “Full House” themed argument ending in physical violence.
- The introduction of the “Media MoneyShot” segment regarding games, comic books, and money saving deals.
- The introduction of the “Vs.” segment in which we pit a method of 19th century transportation against Borderlands 2 loot, and an all-purpose household item versus a method of cooking Italian food. (Trust us, it makes sense.)
- An incredibly simple explanation of how to win one of the seven remaining codes for a free month of PlayStation Plus!
So now that you know how much hilarity is packed into this episode, sit back, relax, and give it a listen. Knowing is half the battle, so you must be exhausted. Let us do the rest of the heavy drinking, err, I mean lifting.
(WARNING: Explicit language, NSFW)
(To download, right click and save audio as.)
RT @BlastMagazine: 8Bit Proof Episode 07: The Most Addictive Kind of Podcast: Every kid growing up in the 90s knew how to “stop, … htt …