So did you hear about this Hurricane Sandy thing? Apparently it’s causing all kinds of trouble over on the Eastern Seaboard; it’s flooding streets, shutting down subways and even causing a lot of folks to be without heat or power. Looks like it’s also leaving its mark on the video game community as the folks at Rockstar Games have blamed the super storm on the reason we haven’t seen a new trailer for Grand Theft Auto V recently. A statement on the developer’s official site reads:
“We are working on a second trailer — unfortunately Hurricane Sandy has derailed our plans somewhat, but we will have something to show soon. Its hard to be precise as we have no power whatsoever in our New York office. We hope everyone else in affected areas is doing okay.”
To tide you over, Game Informer has released two new pieces of artwork for the game, which will be the magazine’s next cover story. Check them out below, and remember to donate to the Red Cross to help those effected by sandy.
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