Because he is such a selfless guy, our very own Francis wanted to celebrate his 30th birthday by helping children in need. So, with the help of, he and the rest of the 8Bit Proof crew put their minds and thumbs on the line as they attempted to play video games for 24 hours straight in order to raise money for the Boston Children Hospital. While this may not initially sound like a challenging endeavor, 24 hours of nonstop gaming is not something to be taken lightly. It’s a true test of dedication, will, and endurance. Lucky for you, as the hours grew long and our tempers grew short, we paused every so often to record a podcast. This episode features:
- An attempted intervention to help Joe recognize his “loot addiction”.
- A heavily fatigued, midnight game of “MasterDater”.
- The audibly toxic results that occur when excessive booze, caffeine, junk food, and nicotine are inflicted upon the human body.
- A disturbing segment on the topic of NARBs and pet care.
- A delightfully gradual descent into madness, self-loathing, and contempt for all reality.
So were we all successful? Did anyone pass out? Did we become broken men that hated what we once loved, or could we have gone for another 24 hours? Tune into this week’s episode to find out all this and more.
(WARNING: Explicit language, NSFW)
(To download, right click and save audio as.)
RT @BlastMagazine: 8Bit Proof Episode 06: The 24-Hour Gaming Marathon: Because he is such a selfless guy, our very own Francis want… h …