Hold your nose and open your ears because the deuce has been dropped. Episode 2 of the greatest podcast in history has stained the carpet of the interwebz and we’re going to rub your noses in it. This episode features:
- The premiere of Slapshot: video game trivia with a side of hard liquor and a healthy dose of on-air physical violence.
- The spoiler-filled Tournament of Trilogies, where the we discuss and compare 10 major video game and movie trilogies in order to officially determine once and for all which ones suck, and which ones are awesome.
- The introduction of the Full Audience Participation segment, where we FAP with the audience via our official Facebook page and Twitter.
- Find out which lucky listener has managed to FAP his way into winning the PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale beta code!
So whether you’re working out, riding the bus, or just sitting around being awesome, make sure to download this action packed episode because no matter what you’re doing, it will be better while listening to 8Bit Proof. We’re like bacon for your ear drums.
(WARNING: Explicit language, NSFW)
(To download, right click the play button and save audio as.)
Remember, tell us how stupid we are for not including your favorite trilogy. The best comments will get mentioned on the next cast’s FAP segment.