When you get into journalism, you’re taught to use logic and intuition, so here goes — we’re getting a Deadpool game announcement later on today. The clues? The site Deadpoolgame.com complete with a countdown set to expire at 6PM Boston time complete with the image of Marvel’s wise-cracking assassin in the background. Also, there’s this giant Comic Book Convention dealie going on in San Diego. This isn’t much in the ways of an official announcement (yet anyways), but if it walks like a masked assassin and talks like a masked assassin…well, you get the rest.
We’ll update this story if (when) the reveal comes true. I’d also like to take this time to point out that I’m a bit of a Deadpool nerd (my car is red and black and has a sticker of the character on the back and I’ve got a whole list of requests for this game. Chief among them..not this.
UPDATE: It’s announced! As the above image suggests, it’s going to be published by Activision and developed by High Moon Studios. It’ll be an action shooter and come out sometime next year for undisclosed platforms. As in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions, the Merc with a Mouth will be voiced by Nolan North. Feast your eyes on IGN’s exclusive trailer from Comic Con.
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