Telltale’s recently released episodic Walking Dead game is good — really good, but it doesn’t appeal to all gamers. I’ve had plenty of people ask me why The Walking Dead isn’t a shooter. Fear not — the blood of the undead will be spilled by the makers of Call of Duty.

Activision announced today that they’ll be publishing a Walking Dead first person shooter for release later this fall. Developed by Terminal Reality, the game will follow the story of white supremacist brothers Daryl and Merle Dixon in Zombie infested Atlanta and will follow the continuity of the popular AMC TV show. It’s expected that that game will feature some sort of party system that will effect the outcome of the game.

We’ll have more on The Walking Dead as it develops.

About The Author

Joe Sinicki is Blast's Executive Editor. He has an unhealthy obsession with Back to the Future and wears cheese on his head. Follow him on Twitter @BrewCityJoe

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