Made up of former employees from companies such as Harmonix, Irrational Games, and Iron Lore, Eeerie-Canal Entertainment is a Boston-based independent studio whose goal is to make creative and inspired games that are too risky for large studios.

Well into the development of its first title, the team today released the teaser trailer for Dreadline, a game that turns the tables on typical monster huntings and has you controlling a group of creatures that visit humans right before they face certain calamities. The trailer shows off the game’s Titanic level that involves harvesting the luxury liner’s passengers before they face their inevitable doom.

Eerie-Canal plans to release Dreadline on PC. Considering how well versed its employees are at making console titles, let’s hope the team gives us more platform options in the future.

About The Author

Giancarlo Saldana is Blast's Gaming Editor. Follow him on Twitter @giansaldana to read his daily musings about the world of video games.

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