“Minds of Modern Mathematics” is a new free iPad app that’s greater than the sum of its parts.

Half a century ago, the husband and wife design team Charles and Ray Eames, created the exhibit Mathematica: A World of Numbers… and Beyond. This evolved into the ground breaking IBM-sponsored exhibition at the 1964/1965 World’s Fair in New York, called Minds of Modern Mathematics (MoMM), which was seen by millions. It was a richly vivid visual display of 1000 years of mathematical history, mathematicians and their discoveries, culture and events. It included a stunning 50 foot long timeline.

Now, IBM is offering this invaluable World’s Fair-in-an-app from the comfort of your iPad, for free. Students, teachers, families, and avid fans can peruse history in new and exciting ways. You can be at any level of knowledge about math. MoMM covers the history of “Modern Mathematics”, that is from 1000 to present.

Be you right-brained or left-brained, this app has it all. You can view milestones and people in the context of their culture and history, and with detailed closeups. The Millennium view, captures a big picture view of the entire history of math, including the explosion of discoveries in recent times. View by century, with the ability to zoom on the interplay of ideas between math and culture. View the entire timeline, one object at a time. Consider the lives and biographies of these interesting men who’ve paved the path for what we have today in math and science. View the World’s Fair exhibit, as if you were there! Or check the “Men of Mathematics” poster rendition, which you, mom or dad might recall from display at school. MoMM brings all these traditions to the iPad, but now it’s paperless. Plus we have the benefit of nine original Eames educational videos and over 500 other hi-res images.

Let your fingers do the dancing, in this wonderful iPad remake of MoMM. What’s not to like?

Indulge yourself in some trivia. Who’s Fibonacci? Pascal? How did those cathedrals get built? Why do I want to know this? If you think, therefore you do.

We can all agree, nothing is sexier than a nerd. So get your geek on, slip into something comfortable, and download this app.

For more informations see the IBM Minds of Math site and the Eames Office.

About The Author

Sandra Giger is a Blast correspondent

One Response

  1. Tony Astro boy

    oh do you know how hiting two rocks together to make sparks to start a fire, well that how to start a engine in a car could be another way to get a fuel source instead of gas , maybe the shiny stuff or the crystal (or name ) can harnest energy , yeah maybe?


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