2012 is beginning to make its mark as the year of online activism, from the multisite blackout in protest of S.O.P.A. and P.I.P.A. to the use of Twitter in organizing the Occupy Movement. Now, famous M.M.O.R.P.G. player and foul-mouthed YouTube sensation Athene has launched ShareCraft 2012, a competitive, customizable Facebook-based fundraising campaign. The goal of the campaign is to raise $1 million in 100 days to help alleviate the famine plaguing the Horn of Africa.
Athene’s YouTube video to launch the project originated as a reaction to the Kony 2012 success and subsequent fallout. In the video, Athene narrates, “Not long after (Kony 2012), the backlash started. The people that were supporting it were starting to get criticized for not doing their homework.”
Regardless of the debate, he continues, “The phenomenon of the film’s virality shows that the common perception of being powerless against injustice in the world and the idea that people tend to be indifferent is obviously inaccurate. The Internet has come to such a point that the only thing we need to overcome this widepsread belief is to collectively reach out for what we believe is right.”
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