The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1,” which premiered on Friday earned $283.5 million internationally and $139.5 million domestically for its first weekend. This amount falls behind only the second installment of the “Twilight” series franchise, “New Moon,” which premiered in 2009 with an opening of $142.8 million at home.

The first of the two parts of “Breaking Dawn” follows Bella Swan and her vampire beau, Edward Cullen, as they get married and are almost immediately faced with the impending doom of Edward’s spawn growing at a rapid rate within Bella.

This weekend’s revenues are as follows:

  1. “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1,” $139.5 million
  2. “Happy Feet 2,” $22 million
  3. “Immortals,” $12.3 million
  4. “Jack and Jill,” $12 million
  5. “Puss in Boots,” $10.7 million
  6. “Tower Heist,” $7 million
  7. “J. Edgar,” $5.9 million
  8. “A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas,” $2.9 million
  9. “In Time,” $1.7 million
  10. “The Descendants,” $1.2 million

About The Author

Erin Farnsworth is a Blast intern

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