The crew that helped put an end to counterfeit Viagra pills from China is now on board with Apple, helping to stop the rampant underground market overseas, according to CNN.
CNN’s report was based off of a memo that Wikileaks exposed last Wednesday and promoted via Twitter.
According to the memo, counterfeit Apple problems are a problem in Asia due to a lack of security.
“As amazing as it seems, computer maker Apple Inc. had no global security team – including inside China – until March 2008, when they hired away the team from Pfizer that formed and led a multi-year crackdown on counterfeit Viagra production in Asia,” the report said.
The memo was written by the U.S. embassy in Beijing and distributed through the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network to officials in the Departments of State, Justice, Commerce and Homeland Security, the FBI, the Patent Office, the FTC, the U.S. International Trade Commission, the Library of Congress and the White House, according to CNN Money.
Read the full text of the memo here.
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