Just three episodes into the season and we’ve already had two officers down on Rookie Blue. Don’t forget an engagement and a fairly numerous amount of sexual advances from more than one direction. The great thing about Rookie Blue, however, is not found in the things that surprise you but in the things we keep coming back for; the friendships, the building back stories, the budding relationships, and the things that the characters experience as cops that we as viewers experience in our own lives.

Rookie Blue is a little bit like the Grey’s Anatomy of the cop drama world with a hint more grit and a few less mortal gun shots. We wait through the commercials every episode to see the resolution of the latest uprisings in the 15 Division crime world but we come back episode after episode to follow the emotions of the characters we have grown to love.

For those who are just catching up here’s the quick run through; Strong willed and heart driven, Andy McNally (Missy Pregrym) will not admit she is torn between to lovers but we, as well as her training officer Sam Swarek (Ben Bass), know that she is. However, the last episode, left her sweet-heart with a history of dating in the division, Detective, fiancé, Luke, (Eric Johnson) in critical condition with some gun-shot injuries. The world’s most awesome bro-pair Dov (Gregory Smith) and Chris (Travis Milne) are having some roommate issues when Chris’s girl friend, snark-queen, women in charge, Gail (Charlotte Sullivan) starts spending a little too much time in the apartment. Sticking to her stubborn guns Gail doesn’t take no for an answer and has begun befriending Dov as much as their butting heads will allow it. And last, but certainly not least, of the rooks, Traci (Enuka Okuma) is torn between choosing the right man for her or who she thinks is the right man for her family.

While we have family talk on the tips of our tongues, Noelle, one of the many bossy yet brilliant training officers our Rookies have to answer to may be starting one of her own. Last season she was grasping at straws and anything else she could get her hands on in an effort to have a baby. Just last week she backed away a little from the Staff Sergeant position opportunity which could definitely mean there is a little one on the way for fifteen.

The personal stories of the Rookies have only continued to grow as we learn more now about Dov’s brother, after learning a little bit last season about where Chris has come from, and the family drama surrounding Andy and her father. With the Peck family practically living out of 15 division we can only hope for some more family back story from them as the season progresses.

At the start of the season we were a little worried that, while the relationships and personal stuff were back in full-force, the cop drama, while always intense, seemed to have grown a little bit repetitive. There are only so many times you can see Andy almost get herself into trouble before you realize that she is pretty kick-ass and will always take care of business. However, the past episode made us swallow our tongues. With this being around the time we heard about a season two renewal last year we can only hope that this weeks cliff-hanger and couple-drama will make Rookie Blue a shoe-in for renewal because frankly, we just cannot get enough.

About The Author

Layne Morgan is a Blast correspondent

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