UPDATE: The First round of codes has been given out, check beck tomorrow for more!


The Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta kicks off this coming Tuesday for everyone with a PSN Plus account (which should pretty much be everyone, you did sign up for that free month of PSN Plus service as part of the welcome back program right?) as well as those who bought Infamous 2. New features include new cinematic moments, new hero and villain skins and tons more. What could be better than that?

How about being able to turn in to a giant swarm of bugs?

Blast has twenty codes to dish out for the Creepy Crawler Kickback, which allows you to turn into a swarm of bugs and attack your enemy. How cool is that? Want one? Just comment on this post and we’ll pick the winners at random on Monday. You can comment as many times as you want, but you’ll only be entered once.

Be sure to check back next week for our report of going hands on with Uncharted 3 and sitting down with the game’s director Justin Richmond.

Oh, and I’ll also be giving away some randomly on my Twitter @JoeSinicki, so follow me and keep on the lookout!

Good luck!

About The Author

Joe Sinicki is Blast's Executive Editor. He has an unhealthy obsession with Back to the Future and wears cheese on his head. Follow him on Twitter @BrewCityJoe

42 Responses

    • Joe Sinicki

      Hey Andrew! You won an Uncharted 3 Creepy Crawler code! Send me a message Blast Magazine (via the black bar on the top of the screen) and I’ll send you your code!

    • Joe Sinicki

      Hey Kevin Malone (Don’t I know you from Scranton?) You won an Uncharted 3 Creepy Crawler code! Send me a message Blast Magazine (via the black bar on the top of the screen) and I’ll send you your code!

    • Joe Sinicki

      Hey videogames4life You won an Uncharted 3 Creepy Crawler code! Send me a message Blast Magazine (via the black bar on the top of the screen) and I’ll send you your code!

  1. Shane Jones

    Pretty please pick me, I love you guys for doing this. :3 Uncharted 2 is the only game I’ve been playing for the last five months, and Uncharted 3 will be my life.

    • Joe Sinicki

      Hey Shane! You won an Uncharted 3 Creepy Crawler code! Send me a message Blast Magazine (via the black bar on the top of the screen) and I’ll send you your code!

  2. Monsieur_oui_oui

    All men dream (about creepy crawlers), but not equally,
    those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds
    wake in the day to find out uncharted 3 is mere vanity,
    but the dreamers of the day are dangerous gamers,
    for they may comment on this page with open eyes,
    to make it possible…

    ….this i did

    • Joe Sinicki

      You won an Uncharted 3 Creepy Crawler code! Send me a message Blast Magazine (via the black bar on the top of the screen) and I’ll send you your code!

      • Monsieur_oui_oui

        Hi, thanks alot for the code.

        Sorry but I i’m struggling to find the black bar to send the message.
        I tried with firefox, chrome and internet explorer but still no black bar.

        When writing a reply we have to give our email so I think you should have it.
        Hope you had the occasion of reading my message.

    • Joe Sinicki

      Hey Darren! You won an Uncharted 3 Creepy Crawler code! Send me a message Blast Magazine (via the black bar on the top of the screen) and I’ll send you your code!

    • Joe Sinicki

      Hey Matthew! You won an Uncharted 3 Creepy Crawler code! Send me a message Blast Magazine (via the black bar on the top of the screen) and I’ll send you your code!

  3. Benjamin Dover

    i’m sooo excited for the beta ๐Ÿ˜€ been waiting ages to get onto it. i wish the game came out earlier ๐Ÿ™ but i’m still excited ๐Ÿ˜€ hope i’ma get the explorer edition ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. Mike Litorus

    I would be so grateful if you gave this game to me because the epicness cannot be taken away from me ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Skrams

    I would love one. Beat Uncharted 2 about 4 times and got platinum. Just loved the game.

  6. Rasmeet S

    Would really be grateful for the code, a HUGE Uncharted series fan here ! ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. David

    I can’t wait to get my hands on the beta.

    • Joe Sinicki

      Hey David! You won an Uncharted 3 Creepy Crawler code! Send me a message Blast Magazine (via the black bar on the top of the screen) and I’ll send you your code!

  8. Jonathan Menski

    So glad that they put this new out-of-the-ordinary element into Uncharted.
    I would love to try it out for my self.

    P.S: Will you be playing the multiplayer beta Joe?
    If so, I would love to play with/against you, whats your PSN.

  9. adrian mcmanus

    Has anyone looked at the boosters. Alot of them are retarded liike revealing where people are and you actually need a boooster apparently to mod your weapon. thats retarded they should let you mode regardless and lay off some of the player revealing boosters. I read the list of the boosters off another site.

  10. adrian mcmanus

    Has anyone looked at the Boosters for uncharted 3. Alot of them reveal playes positions and you actually need a booster to node weapons. I think they need to lay off of some of the enentric ( sorry if i mispelled grammer nazi’s) boosters. Itll take alot of the fun out of the game if everyone can see where each other is. the game is great just with the character custimization and the gun modes, so they shouldnt push too hard or theyl end up making it dumb.

  11. Ray Celdran

    I like the beta so far. Graphics are top notch but the gunplay is still artificial.

  12. Mkom00

    The Games is so awesome. Only Problems are the freezes that doesnt occur so often since the patch. For me its going to be the game of the year if Naughty Dog keeps on with this awesomnes ;D

  13. Philip

    creepy crawler transforms you into swarm of spiders for 20 seconds! This must be freakin awesome! I hopeyou give me a code for it


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