Google is no longer top dog. Apple has taken the spot from which Google has had for the past four years. In a study conducted by Millward Brown, a site geared towards marketing trends, they determined that premium trumps free.
The companies have contrasts between them, and with a premium service like Apple, the fact that they pushed Google from the top has to do with their business model.
Per the site “Google is the archetypal Internet brand, with free services and open systems. Premium-priced Apple eschews the open model in favor of what Steve Jobs refers to as an “integrated” model.”
This is working for Apple in a big way, and it is this consistency that makes the brand a strong one. Regardless of which Apple product you use, the interface and design is both easy and familiar for its users which is probably why Apple consumers continue to purchase their products time and time again.
This is good news for the company that has had bad press lately over their tracking system. With this news, can Apple maintain their top spot?
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