If there was ever any doubt that the next generation of consoles are coming, let it be forgotten. Square Enix, the studio behind franchises like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts have opened up a new studio to focus solely on the next generation of consoles from Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft.

Planned to be opened in 2012 with around 100 employees in either Montreal, Quebec or Toronto, the studio will be dedicate to researching technology and getting the studio ready for the next generation.

While no one has been hired for the studio yet, the director of the Eidos Montreal Studio, who is currently working on the new Dues Ex game  commented on the announcement. “The new consoles from Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo will require more attention and more staff. We want to prepare ourselves.”

While certain folks in the development community seem to think we’ll see new consoles within the next two years, PlayStation exec Kaz Hirai claims that the rumored PS4 isn’t even in development yet.

About The Author

Joe Sinicki is Blast's Executive Editor. He has an unhealthy obsession with Back to the Future and wears cheese on his head. Follow him on Twitter @BrewCityJoe

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