“American Idol” returned Wednesday to crush the competition. The show averaged 26.1 million viewers and a 9.2 demo rating. To put that in perspective–in the demo that is more than two-times the sure-to-be-renewed “Modern Family” and “Glee” demo ratings—and more than 5 times the ratings of fellow Fox shows like “Lie to Me,” whose cancellation is now more apparent than ever.

ABC’s shows held up pretty well against the Idol monster; “Cougar Town” dropped to a 2.5 demo rating, but ABC will likely take that. Combined with “Modern Family’s” 4.6 demo, ABC averaged a 3.5 in the demo for the hour, which I imagine they will live with. “Off the Map” didn’t lose much from last week–it drew a 2.1 demo. But that’s likely not enough to earn a second season. Still, it’s not a sure-to-be-cancelled situation, such as fellow ABC drama “V.” Also, “Better with You,” the one show not renewed on ABC’s Wednesday comedy block, held up pretty well and was second in its timeslot against Idol. That bodes well.

CBS was hurt most by Idol, averaging less than a 2.0 in the demo for the night. “Live to Dance” is a bust, and “Blue Bloods” test run on Tuesday was a failure, with a 2.0 demo rating. Idol also plowed through “Criminal Minds,” which drew under a 3.0 for the first time this season, and very possibly ever.

NBC was as irrelevant as ever; in its new timeslot, “Chase” drew a 1.0.

8 pm

American Idol (8-10 pm): 9.2 demo, 26.1 million viewers

The Middle: 2.7 demo, 8.7 million viewers

Minute to Win It: 1.6 demo, 5 million viewers

Live to Dance: 1.0 demo, 5.3 million viewers

8:30 pm

Better With You: 2.2 demo, 6.8 million viewers

9 pm

Modern Family: 4.6 demo, 11.1 million viewers

Criminal Minds: 2.9 demo, 12.1 million viewers

Chase: 1.0 demo, 4.3 million viewers


Cougar Town: 2.5 demo, 6 million viewers

10 pm

Law and Order: SVU: 2.2 demo, 6.8 million viewers

Off the Map: 2.1 demo, 5.8 million viewers

Blue Bloods: 2.0 demo, 12.2 million viewers

About The Author

Jason Woods is a Blast staff writer

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