By 2015, there will be approximately 804 million smartphones worldwide. Lucky for football fans, the NFL and mobile advertising agency are already looking to the future, promising that by 2015 the Super Bowl will be streamed live via an iPhone.
Romeo Mendoza, CEO of the Orange, Calif.-based company that plans to handle the advertising,, said in a statement that “Streaming the Super Bowl on a phone just makes sense. Cell phones already outnumber television sets 5-to-1.”
Given that the 2010 Super Bowl brought in 106 million viewers and earned over $300 million in network advertising sales — that’s $2.8 to $3 million per 30-second advertisement — streaming the Super Bowl on smartphones is a smart business decision. Further, through cell phones, advertisers can run multiple ads at the same time, catering to individual viewers based on age, gender, income and location, something that television ads cannot do.
“Companies prefer to promote their business via mobile ads than other forms of advertising,” Mendoza said.
Because of the increasing popularity of smartphone use and the edge that mobile advertising has over television advertising, viewers can expect to eventually watch all of their favorite shows via cell phones, said Mendoza.
“The Super Bowl is just the beginning,” he continued. “Eventually all programming will be mobile. We plan on being there when it happens.”
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