Video Game legends rarely need a rebirth, but Castelvania, the long running vampire slasher that debuted on theFamily Disk Computer System in September of 1986 had it a brick wall. Once standing among the medium’s elite, groan worthy installments and terrible spin-offs led many gamers to believe that the series was finished. Something had to be done if the Belmont clan was to be saved.
That something apparently was Hideo Kojima. The legendary developer and producer of the Metal Gear Solid franchise has been handed the reins to the struggling franchise and presents us with a much darker and much more grown up telling of the Castlevania saga. Ironically, n the process of finding this new identity however, the game looses any sense of individuality. This, coupled with a series of frustrating design issues and technical snafus limit the potential of what could have been a downright thrilling rebirth.
In Lords of Shadow, players take control of Gabriel Belmont, rather than series mainstay Simon during a time dubbed as “the end of days.” Belmont is on a quest to resurrect his wife, and sets out to find a mystical item that can bring the dead back to life. AS you’ve probably guessed, the journey won’t be an easy one — you’ll have to travel through a forbidden land where the Necromantic Wars took place years ago, and as a result, are completely over run by zombies, werewolves and of course, vampires. The plot, as convoluted as it may sound plays out rather nicely in an impressive universe. The game features impressive voice acting and narration by one Patrick “Jean Luc Picard/Avery Bullock” Stewart. Shortly into the game though you’ll realize that the game’s alluring universe never truly gets explored to the extent it deserves. Sure, there’s a few notes and a bit information doled out during cutscenes, but you can’t help but feel like you want more.
Lords of Shadow’s main draw for most players should be in the game’s impressive, God of War like combat system. You know how Kratos has his chaos blades? Gabriel has his whip – and the effects are stunningly similar. You’ll have access to two different attack types – one short but powerful and the other long but weaker to dish out dizzying combos on unsuspecting baddies. It’s definitely not a bad thing that the combat mechanics are so similar to that of Sony’s Greek mythology trilogy, but where Castlevania really sets itself apart is with is the weaponry selection later on in the game. As you progress through Gabriel’s quest, you’ll gain access to weapons like silver daggers, holy water and even fairies that are each better used in certain situations than others. This of course brings an undeniably fun and rewarding strategy aspect to the world. At least it saves you from the sorry ass magic that seems to have been thrown in at the last second.
If the game’s strong suit is its combat sequences, it’s other half, the puzzle aspects are its weakest. Though there are a few quality ones sprinkled throughout the game, most of Castlevania’s puzzle elements are absurdly easy and serve merely as ways to break up the game’s action sequences. Even worse yet is the fact that if for some reason you can’t figure out a puzzle, you can “buy” the solution with hints. Cheap much?
Technically speaking, Lords of Shadow is a mixed bag, it’s detailed visuals mix well with superbly done animations, but there are still a few frustrating and clumsy elements here. Key among them is the fixed camera, which seems like it was programmed to make even the simplest solutions all the more difficult. Many portions of the game require Gabriel to traverse tight passages or deal with surrounding enemies, and more often than not, you’ll be faced with a camera that likes to position itself at the worst possible angle – often taking the focus off of your goal, forcing you to take on a lot of damage. It was also apparent that the game wasn’t playing by any set of predetermined rules very early on, as attacks often don’t land with the same damage as before – like the obstacle that wasn’t destroyed by my strong attack unlike the one previous to it that was.
The Blast Factor: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow clocks in at roughly 15 hours of gameplay if you go searching for everything you can. Though it’s easily a great restart for the franchise, the game pales in comparison to those it tries to emulate. As one of the longest franchises in modern gaming, I longed for Castelvania: Lords of Shadow to be fresh, to be new, but sadly, that’s not the case.
Everyone who reads this, dont listen to this guys review,,,,,, HE IS ABSOLUTELY 100 percent wrong….This castlevania game is truelly and deeply a true castlevania game, because when you play it you get that feeling like you did with nes castlevania. The visuals, mood, art, and gameplay is unmatched by any game to date. The fixed camera is there because it has to be there, or it would mess up the flow of this game…I have never in my life, not even when watching lord of the rings, saw such creativity and emotion in the cutsceans and game…..The story is amazing, the best,,, ever…Youll fall in love with gabriel who is a epitome of truth, goodness within the human condition… the flow is great, graphics the best, controls are even better and thats what puts this game above all other castlevania games, is because controlling gabriel is easy and fun, and complex and challeging all at the same time.. my friends, a few video game reviewers have put this game down, and now shit head up above wants to kiss their but and get a job or follow the train… dont listenn to this foool, CASTLEVANIA lord of shadows is the BEST castlevania game ever, and i promise you there will be a huge fan following of this game, and it will put castlevania up there with zelda, mario, and metroid again
I finished the game, and I agree with Luthien1.
This game is amazing from the combat, to the sweeping vistas, to the in jokes from other games, the personality, everything about this game was done with great care and alot of love. I am currently halfway through this game and loving it. It is every bit as good if not better than god of war
I enjoyed the uninformed nature and typos in your review.
I have to agree with this article. Creating a mix bag title does not a great game make. The game is good for what it is. But his being a highly revered title, for this to be a rebirth in the franchise it really needed to be great. I’m sure toward the end the “castlevania-ness” in this title will shine but for now (I’m only in chapter 2) I just don’t really feel it.
Knowing this game was originally a separate title completely unassociated with Castlevania and Konami I also got the sense that magic system was added after Konami essentially over-saw further development of this “game” before it was rebranded as Castlevania.
I disagree with the writer about this game’s universe not being fully explored. Clearly Gabriel is going to all the lost cities and caverns of this “LOST” world hence there isn’t too much to explore for something already destroyed. In fact the lost knight’s notes and Patrick Steward’s narration at least gives you a sense of how much was lost in the Necromancer Wars. A game can seem much bigger with great description and good artwork.
I also wish there was the quintessential Castlevania Music included in the game. and now that I think of it there may have been a little nod to Super Castlevania melody from and Caverns in that game used in Agrathra. I would give the game about the same grade.