Google TV announced on Monday that several media companies will be partnering with them in an effort to offer web content and programs via the television. Some of the companies included in this deal are Twitter, HBO and CNBC.
Google’s technology will be made available for consumers in the next few weeks. This new technology will be built into Sony high definition televisions as well as Blu-ray players. Also, it will be built into Logitech set top boxes for viewers with already own TVs they want to use. Logitech will be building their own remote control so one can search on the TV and the web at the same time.
Viewers can use the internet and watch TV at the same time on the same screen with Google TV. HBO subscribers can use HBO GO and watch their favorite shows on demand. Viewers can also shop while they watch TV. Additonal content services such as Amazon On Demand, Netflix and other applications will be available.
Website like Pandora and Youtube have built new versions on their sites for the TV screens. “One of our goals with Google TV is to finally open up the living room and enable new innovation from content creators, programmers, developers and advertisers,” Ambarish Kenghe, developer product manager for Google TV, wrote in a company blog post.
Viewers with iPhones or Androids can use their phone as a remote control and “fling” a show they are watching from their phones onto the television.
According to Forrester Research, 43 million homes in the United States will have internet connected televisions by 2015.
I think it is incredible what technology is coming up with now a days and that you could use your phone as a remote control. the television looks really incredibe in general and as a product.