Start this fall season off with burst of fashion while also showing your green side towards helping the environment with Xoopi’s, RPET and Yorki reusable style bags. These bags are designed for pretty much any occasion and feature an urban art twist made from used plastic bottles.

Choose from one of two art enriched style bags — The RPET bag, which features a flat fold design, strong versatility, interior pocket, side mounted water bottle holder and has the ability to stand when filled. Or consider the more compact Yorkii style bag, featuring everything mentioned above, along with a much more compact design that folds down into about the size of a guys wallet and can easily be stowed away in a pocket, purse, glove box or elsewhere.

Xoopi’s collection of reusable bags range in price from $17.99-$19.99 and are sure to fit pretty much anyone’s budget, especially those of environmental enthusiasts. Browse though many of the designs and pick up your own at

About The Author

Mike Preble is a Blast Magazine staff writer.

One Response

  1. Patience

    Hi Dincma!Welnoae to our sweet food club! I am happy to see you here.I hope you liked the cake. I pressed down the dough with my fingers, I used the measuring cup only to smooth out the surface.Petra


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