Last Tuesday marked the day for a refresh in Apple’s personal desktop computer line. The company updated its iMac product line with new Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7 processors as well with brand new ATI graphic cards. Both price and design pretty remain the same, however you’ll get more punch for the price with this new hardware update.
The iMac line now comes in four configurations which are as follows: The lowest price model starts at $1,199 and includes a 21.5 inch screen at 1920×1080 resolution, an Intel Core i3 processor at 3.06 GHZ, a 500 GB hard drive and a ATI Radeon HD 4670 graphics card with 256MB of video memory. The second configuration is priced at $1,499.00 and includes a 23.5-inch screen at 1920-by-1080 resolution, a 1 TB hard drive and a ATI Radeon HD 5670 graphics card with 512MB of video memory.
Next comes the 27-inch model, which includes a large 27-inch screen at 2560-1440 resolution, a 1TB hard drive and a ATI Radeon HD 5670 video card with 512MB of video memory.
Finally, the last 27-inch configuration includes a 27-inch screen at 2560-by-1440 resolution, a 1TB hard drive and a ATI Radeon HD 5750 graphics card with 1GB of video memory.
*All models come with a 4GB of ram, wireless Magic Mouse, wireless keyboard, built in iSight camera, Snow Leopard, built in wireless connectivity, speakers, and an 8x double-layer Super Drive. Also the company offers a 256GB solid-state drive for an extra $600.00 only to 27-inch model customers.
The Mac Pro line got a speed bump as well offering up to a twelve-core processor, new ATI graphics along with the option to include up to four 512GB solid-state drives. The company offers two choices of pre-configured machines on their site. Either a quad core model, which starts at $2,499.00, or an 8-core model, which sells for $3,299.00. Consumers can start at one of these base configurations and upgrade hardware as they desire.
Along with the new iMac and Mac Pro hardware changes, Apple unveiled their new 27-Inch LED Cinema display, bringing three more inches of viewing space from their original 24-inch model. This model includes MagSafe charging, an iSight Camera, speakers, USB ports and a crisp 2560×1440 resolution screen.
The good doesn’t stop here; Apple introduced a new accessory for iMac uses called the Magic Trackpad, which is a large glass Trackpad, similar to the ones found on their notebook line. This new trackpad gives iMac users the ability to use gestures found on their notebook line of computers.
With the new hardware updates I can’t stress enough that now is the time to purchase a Mac if you are looking for one. Apple is offering a free iPod Touches for college students, so now is the time to buy!
Is the $1199 model 23.5 inches or is that a typo?
Can you tell me if $1199.00 model is 23.5 or 21.5 inches?