Here at Blast, we’ve always giving you stuff.

CDs, movie passes, DVDs and let’s not forget free video games.

The time, it’s several copies of All Points Bulletin, from Electronic Arts.

Available Tuesday from EA and Realtime Worlds, creators of Crackdown, players can battle with 100 players in 100’s of living persistent cities shaped by player actions!

Register as a Blast reader and leave a comment here, and the first eight comments get a free copy. Limit one per household. You must be 18 or older.

About The Author

John Guilfoil is the editor-in-chief of Blast: Boston's Online Magazine and the Blast Magazine Network. He can be reached at [email protected]. Tweet @johnguilfoil.

27 Responses

  1. Cowgrain

    I would love a free copy, I’ve been watching this game ever since it was in development, but I simply don’t have enough money to buy the game and would love to try it out for free then pay the subscription fee if I liked it. I’ve signed up as a Blast reader as Cowgrain.

  2. nightiki

    I would definitely LOOOOVEEEE a free copy of this amazing game. I played the beta at a friends house and loved it. Thank you sooo sooo much!

  3. Qrc666

    i would also love to have a free copy of the game, please!

    Love! Qrc

  4. gipeon

    I need code for apb too.pleasseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. tnx:)

  5. Richard378

    I was the first one to put the comment and still haven’t got my code… -.-

  6. lonerayven

    Reader for awhile now, first time subscriber! Would love a copy of All Points Bulletin, you guys rock!

    -Scott W.

  7. nightiki

    Have any of the first 8 commentees gotten their cod/game yet? I was one of the first 8 and I still haven’t gotten mine, but maybe they have to wait for some reason?

  8. Richard378

    I was the first one to put up one of the comments out of the 8 and still haven’t recieved anything…

    • nightiki

      hmmmmm…. maybe they forgot about this or something?? maybe we should call or email them? or maybe we just have to be patient idk. what do you think richard

  9. Richard378

    I already emailed them about it and they didn’t seem to respond…

  10. nightiki

    hmmmmmm VERY interesting… haha ok well i will call them i guess and see what’s up. ill tell u what they say.

  11. Richard378

    Awesome just got a email from them but US residents only and IM in canada…… Oh well Ill give them my Canada adress XD

  12. nightiki

    Sweet!! Awesome! So they emailed me the registration code, but now that i have that do you know where i can find the installer for the game?

  13. nightiki

    haah nvm im a tard… the site was just down so i couldnt get to it but now i found it and am just setting up my account yayuh


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